Library of Social Media Resources

Beginners Guide To Social Media

The benefits of Social Media to businesses are many and varied. A review of the benefits will help business owners set Social Media goals that align with their businesses’ goals, which will in turn help in selection of the right Social Media platform/s to focus on.

It’s no secret that in business, goal setting increases your likelihood of success. Setting Social Media goals is no different and this makes a good starting point to your Social Media strategy. Consider what you are most hoping to achieve (the goal that most aligns with your business goals), when and how you will measure success. SMART goal setting will help you choose the right Social Media platform for your business.

Getting The Most Out Of Social Media

Many tourism and hospitality business owners recognise the benefits of Social Media in their businesses’ marketing mix and are ready to take things to the next level. Consider these Quick Wins, Tips and Tricks and ideas for Curated Social Media Content to get the most out of your Social Media activities.

Additional Social Media Resources

Your business is using and benefitting from being active on one or more Social Media platforms which are integrated with your website. Time to consider including these additional resources into your plans and activities so as to get more value from your company and brand’s Social Media presence.

These additional resources will support amplification of your activities by leveraging the efforts of Destination NSW and Tourism Australia, assist with regular and timely posts by way of developing a content calendar and importantly, support measurement and analysis of the Return on Investment (ROI) for your Social Media activities. 

Destination North Coast COVID-19 Webinar

Tourism Tips: Reopening The Digital Doors (1hr 7 mins)

Destination NSW Social Media Opportunities

Engage with the @VisitNSW posts that feature your region. This is a great opportunity for you to engage with potential visitors that are dreaming about and planning their next getaway by offering tips and local recommendations. Include #LoveNSW and #NewSouthWales on your posts to be part of the conversation.

Tourism Australia And Social Media

Tourism Australia’s (TA) Social Media Program focuses on stimulating conversations about Australia through key platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. You can join in TA’s Social Media conversations by visiting:,, Instagram (@australia) and utilising these resources: